
Psychology Doctorate Students' Perception of Cultural Competence

22 November 2017

The purpose of the study is to explore factors related to the development of cultural competence in psychology doctoral students. Participation in the study involves completing several questionnaires that will take approximately 20 minutes. This study is open to participants who are doctoral students in license eligible counseling and clinical psychology programs (Ph.D. and Psy.D. degrees) accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA). Students must also be United States citizens.


Ethical approval

This project has been approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB ID: #PRO-FY2017-247) at The University of Memphis.

About the researcher

My name is Sarah Hatcher and I am a fourth year Counseling Psychology Doctoral Candidate at the University of Memphis. I am seeking participants for my dissertation, which is under the supervision of Dr. Elin Ovrebo.

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